Insulation paint containing aerogels (IRopaint)

Boiling water: 2 mm IRogel paint insulation

Insulation paint containing aerogel (IRopaint)
Paints containing nanoporous aerogels prevent heat transfer through conduction, convection and radiation simultaneously. The thickness of the film is only one millimeter. Comparison of insulation paint containing aerogel (IRopaint) with ordinary paint (right side of IRopaint and left side of ordinary paint)

Insulation paint containing aerogel (IRopaint)
Comparison of insulation paints containing aerogels with ordinary paints

Insulation paint containing aerogel (IRopait)
IRopaint, based on nanoporous aerogels is thermal, acoustic and moisture insulation and the only insulation approved by reputable scientific centers. It reducing heat transfer by conductivity, convection and radiation simultaneously. 10 to 15 years performance guarantee, cost-effective and has many benefits.

Insulation paint containing aerogel (IRopaint)
Thermometers are mounted on the back and center of the metal plates. On hot days, the temperature difference reaches 60 °C. Suitable for roofs of sheds, buildings, walls, water coolers, air ducts, hot water and steam lines, boilers, tanks and equipment with a temperature of – 30 to +150 °C.

Insulation paint containing aerogels (IRopaint)

Insulation paint containing aerogels (IRopaint)